Significance of Deepawali and Holistic Parenting
Deepawali, is a sanskrit term meaning 'string of lights'. Celebrated by most of the religions in India, it's main reason as per Hindu mythology, is...
Responsibility is the ability to respond to a situation. Through situation based discussions, it wasn't difficult for kids to grasp the idea. You hit your...
Fear, the most dangerous enemy
The deadly Corona virus - Never before, there has been such a tremendous impact of any marketable idea or product at this scale. Let’s assume...
A lesson on Gratitude
In the eightfold path given by Sage Patanjali, one of the Yams is 'Aparagriha' which literally means greedlessness. I mulled over it to understand it...
You can create your own experience
Yes! Hold on to the thought that you create your own experiences. Nothing happens to you. You create your reality with your own intentions. Intention...