Significance of Deepawali and Holistic Parenting
Deepawali, is a sanskrit term meaning ‘string of lights’. Celebrated by most of the religions in India, it’s main reason as per Hindu mythology, is to celebrate the return of Lord Rama in his birth city, Ayodhya. The victory of good over evil, dharma over adharma, truth over falsehood, light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance are key takeaways from this most cherished festival.
As parents too, this is a very common explanation of this festival and there’s hardly any child in India who wouldn’t know about, Rama, Lights, Diyas and new clothes. The festival has seen many modifications since ancient times, but most rituals remain the same like thorough cleaning of our homes, decluttering, new homes, new vehicles, new clothes, renovate and decorate homes. This Diwali 2020, being a unique Diwali, let’s continue to do the same things but with conscious thinking. Corona has given us a chance to stay away from socially celebrated Diwali and show off at many levels to stay indoors with our families and close friends who are dear to us.
Let’s take a pledge, as conscious and smart parents, where the approach is more of holistic parenting to bring a little change. While doing house cleaning, let the ritual also be deep cleansing at mental, emotional level, get rid of negative thoughts and deed, declutter your mind with toxic relationships, negative belief systems and useless temptations that can only take you down. The onus of bringing this change is completely on parents as only then, it can be passed to the next generation.
A call out to all smart and conscious parents with holistic learning approach in their parenting style – Invite your children and let’s do an activity together- draw a series of circles on a sheet of paper and write one thing (thought/habit) that you want to get rid of, in each of the circles. Now reverse the sheet and in the same circles, write down what would you want to add to your life- a new refreshing positive belief, a new approach, a new habit to replace the old one. Draw as many circles as you want to bring replacement in your life, once done, cut them out, connect them all with a string and just hang it in your room with the all things new facing you.
Rethink your priorities, widen the degree of prosperity in your life. Wealth and prosperity are signified by a clear mind and a clear conscience. Whoever has these two qualities doesn’t need to worship Devi Lakshmi specifically to attain something, as he already has her blessings and all the worldly wealth will be bestowed upon him, if he continues to do good karma with these two divine qualities.
#Deepawali, #enlighten, #lights, #lakshmi, #mind, #conscience, #holistic, #learning, #education, #holisticparenting, #socialemotionallearning