
Let the HERO within your child shine! – Part I

There is a constant change around us, the drama of folding and unfolding, the dance of birth and death, the sequence of collisions and separations. Since the big bang, the change has been inevitable but somehow predictable. With time, the rate of change has gone up, decreasing the predictability of events. With such volatility, how does the man evolve? are we foreseeing the future for our kids? how far does the conventional schooling help? How are kids going to learn to deal with ambiguity? Our vocab of emotions has got the all new avatar of the entire range. How are kids of tomorrow manage these complex emotions? How are we nurturing these saplings and little plants to be robust trees that can withstand adversity, change, complexity and unpredictability?

Parenting role, by default comes with the plug of love and nurture but only few realize the importance of Conscious Parenting. As the role is new for each one of us, we still carry the beliefs and the experience from our parents, their parents, parents around us. That’s the irony because every child is unique and so our role has to be unique but we follow the norms of parenting. But one thing remains common among all parents and that is we want our kids to be successful and happy.

How do you define ‘Successful and Happy’ ? Which elements of success would you like your child to have? List down all..

Pooja Chopra

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